Jalan Tecnologia Apps

Tourism Coast Atlantic Forest 1.3
Jalan Tecnologia
This is your tour guide of the Coast of theAtlantic Forest. Here you will find information on the nine citiesthat make up the region: Bertioga, Cubatao, Guaruja, Santos, SãoVicente, Praia Grande, Mongagua, Itanagar and Peruibe. You may knowthe options for lodging, dining and recreational activitiesassociated to the Santos e Região Convention & Visitors Bureaubusinesses, acquiring discount coupons, the calendar of regionalevents, take and share photos and personalized access informationin real time on the road and weather conditions in the area.Keywords: guide, travel, tourism, region, coast, forest,Atlantic, Bertioga, Cubatao, Guaruja, Santos, São Vicente, PraiaGrande, Mongaguá, Itanhaém, Peruíbe
Jalan Tecnologia
The Sao Paulo School of Advanced Science onNeglected Diseases Drug Discovery – focus on Kinetoplastids(SPSAS-ND3) will be hosted in CNPEM - Campinas-SP, Brazil in June,14th to 24th, 2015. The SPSAS is funded by FAPESP (Sao PauloResearch Foundation) and aims to support courses in advanced themesin science and technology, contributing to the formation of youngresearchers and attraction of both national and internationalscientific talents to Sao Paulo state.SPSAS-ND3 will focus on multidisciplinary aspects of drug discoveryapplied to Chagas disease, African tripanosomiasis andleishmaniasis, introducing students to the basics of drug discoveryscience and also to cutting-edge research on the field. The courseis structured in both lectures and practical activities coveringhigh throughput and high content screening, structural biology andvirtual screening, screening data analysis, medicinal chemistry,lead optimization, in vitro and in vivo ADME, and in vivo modelsfor pharmacokinetics and efficacy studies.The classes will be ministered of a panel of world-class drugdiscovery scientists and parasitology experts, originating fromboth Industry and Academia, combining academic excellence with theproduct-oriented pragmatism of the Pharma.The selected attendees will present posters on their work and havethe opportunity to discuss their hypothesis and findings with thespeakers.
Go! Elephants 1.2
Jalan Tecnologia
A Go! Elephants é uma produtora cultural e deentretenimento. Este aplicativo oferece informações e serviços paramelhorar a experiência do público com os seus eventos. Dentre asfuncionalidades disponíveis destacam-se: calendário de shows,compra online de ingressos, mixtapes das atrações, fotospersonalizadas, álbum de fotos colaborativo, além de dicas de comochegar aos locais das festas com mais conforto, rapidez esegurança.Palavras-chave: entretenimento, eventos, cultura, shows, festas,arte, música, diversãoThe Go! Elephants is acultural producer and entertainment. This application providesinformation and services to enhance the audience's experience withtheir events. Among the available features are: Calendar ofconcerts, purchase tickets online, mixtapes attractions,personalized photos, photo album collaborative, plus tips on how toget local parties with more comfort, speed and safety.Keywords: entertainment, events, culture, concerts, festivals,music, fun
APDESPBR 2016 1.2
Jalan Tecnologia
A Associação dos técnicos em prótese dentáriaé uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que tem como propósito congregara classe de técnicos em prótese dentária para proporcionar oaprimoramento desta atividade, defendendo seus interesses ebuscando a valorização da categoria.Confira suas atividades e produtos, inclusive o 7º Encontrobrasileiro de técnicos em prótese dentária e 17º Cursão deatualização em prótese dentária que acontecerá em setembro desteano.Participe!The Association of dentaltechnicians is a nonprofit organization that aims to bring togetherthe technical class of dental prosthesis to provide the improvementof this activity, defending their interests and seeking recovery ofthe category.Check out their activities and products, including the 7thBrazilian Meeting of dental technicians and 17 Cursão update ondental prosthesis to be held in September this year.Join!
Curso Homeopatia ALPHA/APH 1.0
Jalan Tecnologia
O curso de Pós-graduação em Homeopatia(Especialização) ALPHA-APH, com o apoio da Associação Paulista deHomeopatia (APH), tem como objetivo qualificar profissionais para aprática clínica homeopática (médicos, cirurgiões dentistas emédicos veterinários) e manipulação de medicamentos homeopáticos(farmacêuticos). Busca formar o profissional com sólida formaçãogeral, com capacidade teórica e no desenvolvimento de ações na áreada saúde humana nos aspectos preventivos e curativos através daprática homeopática visando à promoção da Saúde.Palavras-chave: homeopatia, curso, especialização,pós-graduaçãoThe Postgraduate Coursein Homeopathy (Specialization)-ALPHA APH, with the support of thePaulista Association of Homeopathy (APH), aims to trainprofessionals for homeopathic clinical practice (physicians,dentists and veterinary surgeons) and handling of medicinesHomeopathic Medicines (pharmaceuticals). Search form professionalwith solid general training, with the theoretical capacity and thedevelopment of actions in the area of ​​human health in preventiveand curative aspects through homeopathic practice aiming to promoteHealthKeywords: homeopathy, travel, specialization, graduate
Formandos 1.3
Jalan Tecnologia
Formandos brings your graduation party toyourfamily and friends devices! Everyone will be up-to-date on thenewsof this great milestone, your friends will be able to meet allyourfellow graduates, see your personalized invitation, followthegraduation day's events and much more. Your guests will besharetheir own event pictures through the private albums in the apporthrough their favorite social network. Download it now and feelthegraduation day come to you!!Keywords:graduation,party,friends,fellow,graduates,invitation,guests,albums,rsvp,college
Debut 1.4
Jalan Tecnologia
Debut is your sweet 16 app! All yourfriendswill stay up-to-date on the big event news, they can readyourfriends' speeches, learn about all the big day's events, accessthegifts wish list. Your guests will be share their own eventpicturesthrough the private albums in the app or through theirfavoritesocial network. Download it now and start to celebrate!!Keywords: sweet16,party,cake,dress,friends,event,bigday,gifts,wishlist,guests,album,celebrate,rsvp
COBRAC 2013 1.2
Jalan Tecnologia
Prezados Colegas,Estamos nos aproximando de nosso encontro bianual. O COBRACserealizará no Rio de Janeiro, de 20 a 24 de agosto de 2013.Acidade, que já colhe os frutos das melhorias de urbanizaçãoesegurança implementadas por conta da Copa das Confederações,daCopa do Mudo e dos Jogos Olímpicos, acolherá o maior encontrodeCirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da América Latina – e um dos maioresdomundo.Nosso congresso, que ocorre desde 1970, é a expressãododesenvolvimento da especialidade no Brasil. Neste ano, alémdereceber convidados estrangeiros de grande relevância (tradiçãodosCOBRACs), planejamos um formato diferente para o Congresso.Confiram!Paulo RodriguesPresidente do COBRAC 2013Dear Colleagues,We are approaching our biannual meeting. The COBRAC be heldinRio de Janeiro from 20 to 24 August 2013. The city, whichalreadyreaping the benefits of urbanization and safetyimprovementsimplemented because of the Confederations Cup, Cup Muteand theOlympic Games, will host the largest gathering ofSurgeryMaxillo-Facial Latin America - and one of the largesttheworld.Our congress, which takes place since 1970, is the expressionofthe development of the specialty in Brazil. This year, inadditionto receiving foreign guests of great relevance (traditionofCOBRACs), we devised a different format for the Congress.Check it out!Paulo RodriguesPresident of COBRAC 2013
Hemo 2013 1.4
Jalan Tecnologia
Com o intuito de acompanhar a evoluçãodaHematologia e Hemoterapia, levando as últimas novidades daáreapara os profissionais envolvidos, o HEMO vem consolidando acadaano sua presença no cenário científico dentro e fora do país.Palavras-chave: Jalan, Oasis, Evento, Congresso,Brasileiro,Hematologia, Hemoterapia, hemo2013, hemo, 2013,limaocravoIn order to followtheevolution of Hematology, bringing the latest news from the areatothe professionals involved, the HEMO each year is consolidatingitspresence in the scientific field inside and outside the country.Keywords: Jalan, Oasis, Event, Congress, Brazilian,Hematology,Hematology, hemo2013, hemo, 2013 limaocravo
WedApp 1.5
Jalan Tecnologia
The WedApp is an app to publish yourwedding.With it, your family, friends and guests can follow andcontributeto all the trajectory of the couple, since the verybeginning untilthe arrival of the great day. Just type the ID andhave access tothe information about the wedding, ceremony site anddirections,the invitation, best man list, gift list, RSVP. Takephotos fromWedApp and share on social networks or on the weddingalbum.Getting married? Download the WedApp right now!
São João Pernambuco.com 1.1
Jalan Tecnologia
Aplicativo do São João do Pernambuco.comcomdiversas informações sobre o São João em diversas cidadesdePernambuco.Application of St.Johnthe Pernambuco.com with various information about Saint Johninvarious cities of Pernambuco.
33° CIOSP 1.1
Jalan Tecnologia
From January 22 to 25, 2014 will be heldthe33nd CIOSP – SãoPaulo International Dental Meeting at the Expo CenterNorte:Centerfor Exhibitions and Conventions. Established itself as one ofthemostimportant events in dental area, for more than fifty yearshasbeenpromoted and organized by APCD – São Paulo StateDentalAssociation,in one of the most important and cosmopolitan cities of theworld,whichconcentrates 75% of the brazilian business fair market. The CIOSPisoneof the largest and most respected dental events in theworld,increasingeach year in quality and number of attendees. The CIOSPprovidesaunique opportunity of professional improvement and updatingbyofferinga diversified scientific program, with the participationofrenownednational and international speakers in various dentalspecialties,who willpresent themes of great clinical relevance. The 18thInternational Dental Trade Fair will be held in parallel withtheCIOSP,which generates each year an annual turnover and presentsthemaininnovations in the equipment market, materials and services ofthearea.This year will bring more than 220 national andinternationalexhibitors.In four days of event, the expectation is that the CIOSPwillreunite morethan 60 thousand Dental Surgeons attendees.
Carnaval do Recife 2014 1.2
Jalan Tecnologia
Aplicativo do Carnaval do Recife 2014Palavras-chave: carnaval, recife, pernambuco, 2014,homenageados,frevo, musica, polo, programacao, dicasCarnival of Recife2014ApplicationKeywords: Carnival, Recife, Pernambuco, 2014, honored,frevo,music, polo, programming, tips
LAMEC 2013 1.0
Jalan Tecnologia
A terceira edição do LAMEC (LatinAmericaMeeting & Events Conference) reúne em 2013 toda a cadeiadeeventos da América Latina para discutir e aprofundar temas queirãoimpactar o Futuro dos Eventos. Nossa programação está cheiadenovidades e temas interessantes que irão ajudar seucrescimentoprofissional e pessoal, pois a MPI acredita naimportância da trocade ideias e conhecimento dentro e fora dosetor.A MPI (Meeting Professionals International) é a maior emaisvibrante comunidade global no setor de eventos, tem ocompromissode promover conexões entre os associados para a trocadeconhecimentos e ideias, estabelecimento de relações comerciaiseclara compreensão do mercado. MPI conta com mais de 21.000sócios,com 71 capítulos e clubes ao redor do mundo. MPI BrazilChapter éentidade legalmente constituída no Brasil desde novembrode 2007,com sede em São Paulo.The third edition ofLAMEC(Latin America Meeting & Events Conference) meets in 2013theentire chain of events in Latin America to discuss and deepenthemesthat will impact the future of events. Our schedule is fullof newsand interesting topics that will help your personal andprofessionalgrowth, as the MPI believes in the importance of theexchange ofideas and knowledge within and outside thesector.MPI (Meeting Professionals International) is the largest andmostvibrant global community in the event industry, is committedtopromoting connections between members to exchange knowledgeandideas, establish trade relations and clear understanding ofthemarket. MPI has more than 21,000 members, with 71 chaptersandclubs worldwide. MPI Brazil Chapter's legal entity in BrazilsinceNovember 2007, with headquarters in São Paulo.
Jalan Tecnologia
O maior evento para hairstylists,profissionais e donos de salão de beleza. Um momento únicoparaconhecer e trocar experiências. Mais uma vez a WELLAPROFESSIONALSeleva o nível profissional. Liberte-se e deixe a ondaelevar seuconhecimento, sua força e sua paixão.Palavras-chave: WELLA, ENCONTRO, WIN WELLA, BELEZA,HAIR,STYLISTThe largest event forhairstylists, professionals and salon owners. One to meet andexchangeexperiences now. Again WELLA PROFESSIONALS elevates theprofessionallevel. Break free and let the wave elevate theirknowledge, strengthand passion.Keywords: Wella, FIND, WIN WELLA, BEAUTY, HAIR STYLIST
HEMO 2015 1.1
Jalan Tecnologia
Com o intuito de acompanhar a evoluçãodaHematologia e Hemoterapia, levando as últimas novidades daáreapara os profissionais envolvidos, o HEMO vem consolidando acadaano sua presença no cenário científico dentro e fora dopaís.Terceiro maior evento do mundo ocidental da especialidade,oCongresso Brasileiro de Hematologia, Hemoterapia e TerapiaCelular(Hemo) é direcionado para diferentes perfis.In order to followtheevolution of Hematology, bringing the latest news from the areatothe professionals involved, the HEMO has been consolidatingeachyear its presence in the scientific field within the countryandabroad. Third largest event in the Western world specialty,theBrazilian Congress of Hematology, Hematology and CellTherapy(Hemo) is directed to different profiles.
17ª FENNOPAN 1.1
Jalan Tecnologia
Aplicativo voltado para a 17ª FENNOPANquedemonstra produtos e serviços que estará exposto durante oevento:Máquinas, Equipamentos, Moinho, Insumos, Serviços, LinhasdeCreditos (Bancos) e Consultoria.Palavras-chave: FENNOPAN, 17, Feira, Norte,Nordeste,Panificação, Food, Service, Pernambuco, Padaria,Panificador,EventoApplication facingthe17th FENNOPAN demonstrating products and services that willbeexposed during the event: Machinery, Equipment, MillSupplies,Services, Credit Lines (Banks) and Consulting.Keywords: FENNOPAN, 17, Fair, North, Northeast, Baking,Food,Service, Pernambuco, bakery, baker, Event